
visual diaries – ‘What it is to be There’

Received the final visual diary from the printers this week.  (thanks Mixam!  fab job).

I started these in October 2021 to keep a visual record of the project to use in my report to the Arts Council for my funded project, What it is to be There.

But they are so much more than that.

As I flick through I’m reminded of all the moments along the way and they’re a useful reference for  expanding ideas.

1 Oct ’21 – Apr ’22 PDF

2 May – Oct ’22 PDF

3 Nov ’22 – March ’23 PDF




Residency: Garw Valley, South Wales



23 – 30 July:  Residency at Garw Valley, South Wales.

Invited artists:  Gina Baum (ceramicist),  Prerna Chandiramani (print maker)

Spent a week in the valley to have time to absorb the changes; feel what it is to be there; share experiences, stories, practices.

We exchanged stories, dug for wild clay and processed it, made some land art, collected evidence of exchange..everywhere. Afterwards, Gina, Prerna and I had a week in the Garage to follow up the residency and do some printing and clay making.

Supported using public funding by Arts Council England

